Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It can be hard to trust sometimes...

 Recently, I've been struggling a little to really trust that God has the best plan for everything. I know that sounds terrible. I believe with all my heart that God has every single thing, every situation under control. Still, sometimes I struggle with thinking that I would handle things better if I were in charge. If I were all powerful, I would make sure that hungry children had enough to eat every day of their lives. I would make sure that the 5-year-old boy in africa who is caring for his 2-year-old brother because his parent's are dying of AIDS would be taken care of. I would guaruntee that no one would ever have reason to doubt that they are cared for and loved by God.
 I believe with all of my heart that God is wise and good and loving. I deeply believe that He has a plan for this world, and that His plan is rooted in love. I know this. Still...
 I have a hard time letting go of the illusion that sometimes I could do better. Me, with my limited forsight and wisdom, could do better. The truth is, that's just not the case. No matter what I think is best, I know that God knows better. I'm trying to surrender to that and to really trust Him, even when I don't always understand. I'm so thankful that God is a Father who loves His children enough to want to hear from their hearts, even if their heart is questioning Him. I believe that He wants us to be honest with Him and to be open with Him. How else can you have a relationship with someone if you can't be honest with them?
 I'm going to do my best to keep in mind that as much as I think I know, I know nothing. I may question Him now, but someday I'm going to see His reasoning behind things and I'm going to say, "Oooooh....that's why You did it this way instead of my way. I'm so glad You didn't listen to my suggestions!!" 

 This is probably something that I will struggle with off and on throughout life. It's part of being human. However, I'm always going to come back to the realization that if God is all-knowing, loving, good, wise, and all-powerful, you wouldn't want anyone else in charge! 

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